Whooping Crane at the International Crane Foundation

by Natural Focal Point Photography
Whooping Crane at the International Crane Foundation
Natural Focal Point Photography
Photograph - Photograph
Recovering from a low of only 21 birds in the wild in the 1940s to around 599 birds today, the Whooping Crane's recovery is one of conservation's most inspiring success stories.
Two distinct migratory populations summer in northwestern Canada and central Wisconsin and winter along the Gulf Coast of Texas and the southeastern United States, respectively. Small, non-migratory populations live in central Florida and coastal Louisiana.
June 23rd, 2013
Comments (13)

Randy Rosenberger
It is an honor and a privilege as an administrator of one of the top groups on FAA, our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, to promote and highlight your awesome artworks on our homepage in one of the prestigious positions, on our group Featuring HOMEPAGE! Your artworks show your love of what you do, and is refined to where we not only accept and promote your fine works, but welcome that opportunity. It is a pleasure to have you as a member of our family of friends and fine artists in the WFS group. Thanks for sharing! Fave and Vote Forever, Elvis