Sandhill Spring Strut
by Natural Focal Point Photography
Sandhill Spring Strut
Natural Focal Point Photography
Photograph - Photograph
A sandhill crane walks or struts to and across a rural road in Minnesota. These birds seem to be rust colored in the spring, but by fall most of the rust is gone and they are grey. This is due to reddish mud seen in the spring that wears off by the fall in most birds.
April 5th, 2021
Comments (1)
Randy Rosenberger
Your excellence in your submission of this work is worthy of special recognition, and I am seeing to it, that this happens in the WFS group. I am so happy to have you as an active member of our family of friends and fine artists, who support one another by comments, likes, faves, sharing, etc. Thanks for all your efforts to make our group so special by having a fine artist like yourself among many other fine artists that make our group so special.